I have noticed that fewer and fewer people are checking out my nice little blog here and am curious as to why.
Is it the political posts?
Is it the lack of posts?
Do people just not like me?
Okay it isn't the last one because I think it is obvious that everyone likes me so it must be one of the first two.
To challenge the first one I won't say anything. I may still post about politics but it isn't a burning desire to do right now so you can come back if that is keeping you away.
The second one is a little harder. I started a new blog/website with Verb called Jumping Offsides. It is all about sports which I love. It also includes a podcast (episode 1 is up, check it out) which takes a lot of time. And if you have noticed I have already posted MANY posts over there.
But I am going to try to post a few times a week here too. Last week I was out of town from Tuesday through Friday so I wasn't available to post much and when I was the new sports site took priority.
I am going to try to stay on a schedule over here but I am not going to divulge my thoughts until I try it for a while because I don't want to let anyone down.
Other than that everything is good here.
The puppies are getting bigger and getting better at listening and whatnot.
I haven't really done much else other than watch football and read for a while now so I hope you are all doing well and while I may not post, I do still read!
In fact my google reader is over 300 and I am slowly catching up.
What's up GMan. Glad to see everything is going well.
I still read your blog via Google Reader. Does that affect your stats? I was wondering because I'm unsure if it affects mines (I use Wordpress, btw.)
Here's the thing that I've learned about blogging ...
1) Consistency in writing leads to consistency in readership.
2) If you're not writing for yourself, you're bound to be disappointed at one point or another.
Take those observations for what they're worth.
I'm guilty of not clicking out of my reader lately. I'm reading, but not commenting.
brran1 - glad to see you are back writing again.
nilsa s. - I agree and its fine I just felt like everything kinda stopped for a while. Honestly I was surprised with the amount of views I was getting before.
jenn - I do it all the time. I read alot and comment little. So I really can't complain when someone else does the same.
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