How do all of you feel about self promotion?
By this I mean how do you feel about proudly sharing your achievements with EVERYONE in the office?
My co-worker recently passed a test to get some letters put after his name.
I am sure it wasn't easy and I am sure he worked and studied really hard to do it.
But when he came in this morning (his first in the office this since he received his passing score) he went around to EVERYONE and told each person that he passed his test.
Now personally I would never do this.
I might go and tell one or two people and then I would let the normal conversation and gossip carry it to everyone else.
But actually I don't think I would tell anyone unless someone asked me about it.
I am not saying I am right or anything but that is what I would do. But I also know that I am a very private person and don't want to have a conversation with anyone about my personal life or accomplishments.
But it does bother me when someone comes around and flaunts their achievements.
And then he sends out an email to more parts of the office telling everyone that he passed. And asking if anyone wanted to go CELEBRATE HIS ACCOMPLISHMENT next week.
Now maybe it is just me but I don't want to have to throw myself a party. But I can see why he would do this.
Now like I said I am not saying that I am right on this. Maybe most of you would do the same thing.
But it does bother me.
That's annoying. Supremely annoying. Because, if he's surrounded himself by good people, they're going to inquire. So, boo to that kind of self-promotion!
dude, you don't have to promote yourself, I will do it for you. This man is awesome! He is very smart! He is a very good friend! I am glad we write a sports blog together ( because he is a great writer! He talks good too!
Nilsa - that is my personal opinion. Let's face it, in an office setting all you have to do is tell one or two people and everyone will know soon enough.
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